
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

10 Reasons why your Starbucks "Barista" hates you.

1. When you ask us to put sugar in your coffee (That's why there's a condiment bar in the lobby.)

2. When you're on your phone while trying to order (It's just rude.)

3. When you don't say "Thank you" after you get your drink (We know we get paid to make your drink, but we appreciate a "Thank you" once in a while.)

4. When you order something other than coffee (You do know this is a coffee shop, right?)

5. When you change your mind after we have your drink ready for you

6. When you grab a drink that's not yours

7. When you leave a mess on the tables (We're not your personal maids. We're only here to make your drink, not to teach you how to be clean.)

8. When you bitch about having your drink with "Non-fat" milk but you want EXTRA whip cream on it (Which has more calories than whole milk.)

9. When you come in "Assuming" we know what you want (Just because you come in all the time  doesn't mean we remember.)

10.  When we greet you saying: "Hi, How are you?" and you answer: "Tall Vanilla Latte" (We know you want your coffee, but at least be polite. It won't make us go any faster.)

It's not that Baristas don't love what they do. It's just that they appreciate when you're polite, respectful AND clean. Please, pass the message around and if you're a Barista reading this post, you are more than welcomed to add more things to the list on the comment box :)

P.S. Thank you to all my lovely Baristas. Enjoy <3


  1. Wow I love it! It's so true... a thank you doesn't hurt anybody. :)

  2. Good to know! For next time I go to Starbucks! hahaha ;)

  3. "Hates you" is too strong. "Hates ABOUT you" is better. We can not blame half these people for the way they were raised. Let us just hope that they realize their mistakes and adjust themselves some what.


  4. Anonymous #2: You're right. Thanks for the constructive feedback (;

  5. You are my favorite barista ever..!! LOL.. =P

  6. HELLO Dear Olga !

    Great oppottunity to read your columm review about the talented artist and colleage, the pop artist GG. Remarccble conversation you develop, very enjoyable,inteligent,informative, controvercial, and interesting an up level review.

    Definetly GG is a very innate artist lots potential a wonderfull Huimanbeing.

    Olga Lets have a good cup of coffe or BUBA TEA.



    lets have a chromatic conversation.
